Master Microsoft Office: Tips & Shortcuts

administrative professional using Microsoft Office on tablet to complete tasks

Time is precious. Organization is key. As administrative professionals, we know that tools promoting efficiency are paramount. Which is why Microsoft Office 365 is considered the unsung hero in the workplace – Word, Excel, Outlook, each system has evolved into an indispensable toolkit for navigating modern office life.

Its true power lies not just in features, but in the mastery of tools by Executive Assistants. It allows users to orchestrate workflow with precision, leveraging functionalities to streamline tasks, communicate effectively, and ultimately drive productivity.  In this blog, we will dive into the pivotal role Microsoft Office plays in the workplace, and uncover the keys to unlocking its full potential.

mobile phone with Microsoft Office applications

Tips for using Microsoft Office as an EA

  1. Master the Basics
    If you haven’t already, familiarize yourself with all features of the whole suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. This includes formatting documents, creating spreadsheets, designing presentations, and managing emails effectively. Figuring out the basics will set you up for success as you move into more specialized territory.
  2. Utilize Templates
    Take advantage of the built-in templates that the program offers. They are user friendly, while saving time and maintaining consistency in your work. Templates can be used for documents, spreadsheets, presentations and email messages.  This can be especially beneficial when it comes to meeting minutes. We have some great tips for writing those here.
  3. Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
    Shortcuts are efficiency’s best friend. They’ll help you whip through common tasks quickly, saving time and navigating Office applications more efficiently. Here are some of our go-to’s for each program within Microsoft Office 365:
Microsoft Word
Ctrl + N: New Document

Ctrl + O: Open Document

Ctrl + W: Close Document

Ctrl + Home: Move to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + End: Move to the end of the document

Ctrl + L: Left-align text

Ctrl + E: Center-align text

Ctrl + R: Right-align text


Microsoft Excel
Ctrl + N: New workbook

Ctrl + O: Open workbook

Ctrl + S: Save workbook

Ctrl + Home: Move to cell A1

Ctrl + Arrow keys: Navigate to the edge of data regions

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Select data

Ctrl + D: Fill down

Ctrl + R: Fill right


Microsoft PowerPoint
Ctrl + N: New presentation

Ctrl + O: Open presentation

Ctrl + S: Save presentation

Ctrl + Home: Move to the beginning of the presentation

Ctrl + End: Move to the end of the presentation

Ctrl + M: Insert a new slide

Ctrl + D: Duplicate the current slide

Ctrl + F5: Start slideshow from the beginning

  1. Organize Files and Folders
    Keep your files and folders well-organized on your computer, as well as in cloud storage (OneDrive, SharePoint, etc.) Create a logical folder structure that works for you, and use descriptive file names to easily locate documents when needed.  You can read more about keeping your digital workspace organized and tidy here.
  2. Collaborate with Others
    Take advantage of collaboration features in Microsoft Office applications to work seamlessly with colleagues. Use features like track changes in Word, shared workbooks in Excel, co-authoring in PowerPoint, and shared calendars in Outlook to collaborate effectively. We especially encourage collaboration when managing calendars effectively. Here is another blog post with great tips on doing so.
  3. Stay Updated
    This one is important to maintain! Keeping Office applications up to date and installed will ensure you have access to any new features, performance improvements, and security fixes. 
  4. Attend Training Sessions
    Take advantage of continuing education sessions that provide training, online tutorials, and resources. You’ll know all about any new features that have been added, and improve efficiency in performing tasks in the future.  We have a wide variety of tips and tools within our network at The Admin Community. Join today and get instant access to proven training options!
  5. Customize Your Workspace
    Customizing provides a place for your preferences and workflow to best work for you. Adjust settings, personalize toolbars for frequently used options, and create custom templates to optimize your productivity and user experience. You’ll know exactly where everything is, and have it all placed exactly where you like it.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation
will magnify the efficiency.  The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation
will magnify the inefficiency.
Bill Gates

Each application within Microsoft Office offers a wealth of features, ready for you to harness their capabilities. Being a “master” of each will take dedication, practice and a commitment to continuous learning. But by implementing these tips and shortcuts, you’ll not only enhance productivity – you’ll position yourself as a reliable and exceptional Executive Assistant. With each click and keystroke, we’re empowering ourselves to excellence.

administrative professional working on laptop and using Microsoft Office applications

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